2007年11月26日 星期一
Artists-Jesús Corbacho
在這場Gala Flamenca的節目中少見大明星的組合,讓人有”怎麼看都看不夠”的驚豔,觀眾中更是有人一連看三場。
整個節目中從頭到尾獨撐大局的年輕歌手Jesús Corbacho讓人印象深刻,看似年輕的面貌卻有著另人動容的嗓音,這位年輕的歌唱家年紀雖輕,卻已經有相當豐富的演出經驗,更是許多當紅舞者指定合作的對象。這次在藝術節中有幸與他面對面接觸,並獲得首肯於本網站中刊登其相關資訊,以下為他個人的簡介及影片檔
Jesús Corbacho Vázquez nace en Huelva en 1986. Su afición al flamenco le viene desde muy temprana edad, ya que con tan solo dos años y medio entonaba sus primeros fandangos.
A la edad de once años se alzó con el Primer Premio Nacional de Fandangos del Certamen "Paco Toronjo" en Alosno, en la Categoría Infantil, repitiendo dicho galardón cuatro años más tarde en la Categoría de Adultos.
Actualmente, Corbacho formaliza sus estudios de cante flamenco en la Fundación Christina Heeren de Sevilla, donde también trabaja de profesor auxiliar para las clases de Rafael Campallo, Milagros Mengíbar y Carmen Ledesma, y donde cuenta con profesores de la talla de Paco Taranto, Esperanza Fernández y José de la Tomasa.
Jesús, a parte de prodigarse como cantaor de alante, también lo hace con el cante para el baile, habiendo trabajado con artistas de la talla de Milagros Mengíbar, Belén Maya o Alicia Márquez, entre otras.
Ha compartido escenario en diversas ocasiones con artistas como Chano Lobato, Juanito Villar, Arcángel, "El Extremeño", Estrella Morente, "El Guadiana", Maite Martín, Montse Cortés…
Respecto a lo que ha discografía se refiere, grabó con el grupo Niños de Huelva, (Herencia y Esta noche es Navidad) en 1998, además de haber colaborado en el disco Fandango Joven y la Historia Antológica del Fandango de Huelva de A. González "El Raya".
A parte de haber recorrido toda la geografía andaluza, y los más importantes puntos de España, ha realizado giras por países como Austria, Italia, México, Suecia, Noruega, Taiwán, Dinamarca, Francia, Bélgica...
En 2005 obtuvo diversos premios como:
Premio de Saeta Joven en Jerez de la Ftra. (Cádiz), Premio al Mejor Cantaor Joven del Concurso de Cante Flamenco de Ojén (Málaga) y Premio al Mejor Cantaor Joven del "Memorial Juan Casillas" de Vva. Algaidas (Málaga).
En el presente año ha vuelto a conseguir estos dos últimos premios, además de haberse alzado con el 2º Premio del Concurso de Cante Grande "Torre del Cante" de Alhaurín de la Torre y el 4º Premio del Concurso Flamenco Activo de Úbeda.
En el XLVI Festival Internacional de Cante de las Minas de La Unión, participó en el pregón de inauguración que llevo a cabo la bailaora Milagros Mengíbar, cosechando un rotundo éxito y en la actualidad forma parte de los espectáculos "Bulos y Tanguerías" de Santiago Barber y Raúl Cantizano, y "Dibujos", de Belén Maya y José Luís Rodríguez, además de trabajar en el prestigioso tablao sevillano "La Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus".
2007年11月22日 星期四
Spain Frets Over Future of Flamenco
By MAR ROMAN,Associated Press Writer AP - Sunday, October 28
MADRID, Spain - Master guitar-maker Arcangel Fernandez has stopped taking orders. He's been at it for 50 years, fashioning delicate wooden shells into lacquered beauties, and at age 75 he has enough work for the rest of his life.
However, the aficionados buying his coveted $13,000 instruments are not local musicians but Japanese collectors _ an alarming sign that the art form considered so intrinsically Spanish is declining in its birthplace and is now more popular among foreigners.
A decade ago, Madrid boasted 20 flamenco taverns featuring this unique kind of entertainment _ the furious, rhythmic tapping of a dancer's heels, the thundering chords of a classical guitar, a singer's soulful lament, all that contagious hand-clapping. Now only four or five remain, all packed with tourists and too expensive for the average Spaniard.
At the city's most hallowed flamenco school, half the students are from abroad.
"These days flamenco is more valued among foreigners," Fernandez said in his guitar shop, part woodworking sanctuary, part meeting place for guitar buffs.
Silvia Calado, a critic for the Web site http://www.flamenco-world.com said flamenco is not quite in a state of crisis. But while it has built up great prestige abroad, here in Spain it is low on creativity and has failed to reach out to new audiences.
"Flamenco is distancing itself from young people and they are the ones who can keep it alive," Calado said.
Flamenco classes would have lots of empty places were it not for foreign students, and half of the hits on her Web page come from abroad, Calado said. The Grammy awards give out a prize for flamenco music and the Spanish media barely bother to cover the awards, telecast from Los Angeles.
"It is disgraceful," Calado said.
Fifteen years ago, Fernandez, who makes an average of eight guitars a year, decided to work exclusively for foreigners. Now, he doesn't even raise the metal shutters of his shop when he is inside toiling away.
"Foreigners pay you better and they give you fewer problems than Spaniards," Fernandez said. "Customers come to pick up the guitar and you never see them again. They are always happy with the product. For them, flamenco is a very serious thing."
At the famed Amor de Dios School, teacher Inmaculada Ortega said flamenco has serious box-office problems and dance companies receive little support from a government more interested in promoting other Spanish art forms, such as painting or contemporary dance.
Ortega, 36, said she has to go as far as South Africa or the United States _ some times for months _ to make decent money, while in Spain she must give classes and sew flamenco costumes to make ends meet.
"Before, a flamenco dancer was held in high social esteem, had glamour. Now a dancer goes unnoticed," she said. "In Spain, you can only barely get by on flamenco."
Despite that gloomy assessment, some of the foreigners at the school have given up everything to come here and chase their dream.
Emily Liedel, 23, quit her job as a legal assistant in the United States a year ago to come to Madrid and study flamenco full time. She learned it in her native Portland, Ore., but wanted to polish and perfect her steps.
"I want to be a flamenco teacher, good enough to be a flamenco dancer," Liedel said. "It fascinates me, but it's very difficult, especially for a foreigner like me because we're not familiar with the music," said Liedel, who teaches English and belly dancing to pay for her flamenco.
The precise origins and evolution of flamenco are unclear. It is traced to the Gypsies of Spain, but was also influenced by folk songs and dances from the southern Andalusia region. There are also Moorish influences.
After the Civil War of 1936-39, the right-wing dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco embraced flamenco as a quintessentially Spanish genre that he saw as a force for unity in a country with disparate regions proud of their distinct languages and cultures.
Flamenco was transported from the smoky taverns where it was traditionally performed to dominate movie screens and the stages of theaters. A cliche was born _ the Spain of tambourines and castanets.
After Franco died in 1975 and democracy was restored, Spanish youths looked to foreign music as an expression of rebellion and independence, to the detriment of flamenco.
Many flamenco professionals say it is not universally popular in Spain and that many Spaniards are embarrassed by foreigners' assumptions that flamenco is Spain's national music.
Ortega said she believes many Spaniards cannot accept flamenco as a serious art form because of its gypsy roots.
"Foreigners like flamenco more because they don't have any social prejudices. Spaniards have learned that flamenco is an art of a racial minority," said Ortega, who has been dancing since she was 8.
"For Spaniards, it's a hobby but foreigners idolize it. They make flamenco their lives," she said.
MADRID, Spain - Master guitar-maker Arcangel Fernandez has stopped taking orders. He's been at it for 50 years, fashioning delicate wooden shells into lacquered beauties, and at age 75 he has enough work for the rest of his life.
However, the aficionados buying his coveted $13,000 instruments are not local musicians but Japanese collectors _ an alarming sign that the art form considered so intrinsically Spanish is declining in its birthplace and is now more popular among foreigners.
A decade ago, Madrid boasted 20 flamenco taverns featuring this unique kind of entertainment _ the furious, rhythmic tapping of a dancer's heels, the thundering chords of a classical guitar, a singer's soulful lament, all that contagious hand-clapping. Now only four or five remain, all packed with tourists and too expensive for the average Spaniard.
At the city's most hallowed flamenco school, half the students are from abroad.
"These days flamenco is more valued among foreigners," Fernandez said in his guitar shop, part woodworking sanctuary, part meeting place for guitar buffs.
Silvia Calado, a critic for the Web site http://www.flamenco-world.com said flamenco is not quite in a state of crisis. But while it has built up great prestige abroad, here in Spain it is low on creativity and has failed to reach out to new audiences.
"Flamenco is distancing itself from young people and they are the ones who can keep it alive," Calado said.
Flamenco classes would have lots of empty places were it not for foreign students, and half of the hits on her Web page come from abroad, Calado said. The Grammy awards give out a prize for flamenco music and the Spanish media barely bother to cover the awards, telecast from Los Angeles.
"It is disgraceful," Calado said.
Fifteen years ago, Fernandez, who makes an average of eight guitars a year, decided to work exclusively for foreigners. Now, he doesn't even raise the metal shutters of his shop when he is inside toiling away.
"Foreigners pay you better and they give you fewer problems than Spaniards," Fernandez said. "Customers come to pick up the guitar and you never see them again. They are always happy with the product. For them, flamenco is a very serious thing."
At the famed Amor de Dios School, teacher Inmaculada Ortega said flamenco has serious box-office problems and dance companies receive little support from a government more interested in promoting other Spanish art forms, such as painting or contemporary dance.
Ortega, 36, said she has to go as far as South Africa or the United States _ some times for months _ to make decent money, while in Spain she must give classes and sew flamenco costumes to make ends meet.
"Before, a flamenco dancer was held in high social esteem, had glamour. Now a dancer goes unnoticed," she said. "In Spain, you can only barely get by on flamenco."
Despite that gloomy assessment, some of the foreigners at the school have given up everything to come here and chase their dream.
Emily Liedel, 23, quit her job as a legal assistant in the United States a year ago to come to Madrid and study flamenco full time. She learned it in her native Portland, Ore., but wanted to polish and perfect her steps.
"I want to be a flamenco teacher, good enough to be a flamenco dancer," Liedel said. "It fascinates me, but it's very difficult, especially for a foreigner like me because we're not familiar with the music," said Liedel, who teaches English and belly dancing to pay for her flamenco.
The precise origins and evolution of flamenco are unclear. It is traced to the Gypsies of Spain, but was also influenced by folk songs and dances from the southern Andalusia region. There are also Moorish influences.
After the Civil War of 1936-39, the right-wing dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco embraced flamenco as a quintessentially Spanish genre that he saw as a force for unity in a country with disparate regions proud of their distinct languages and cultures.
Flamenco was transported from the smoky taverns where it was traditionally performed to dominate movie screens and the stages of theaters. A cliche was born _ the Spain of tambourines and castanets.
After Franco died in 1975 and democracy was restored, Spanish youths looked to foreign music as an expression of rebellion and independence, to the detriment of flamenco.
Many flamenco professionals say it is not universally popular in Spain and that many Spaniards are embarrassed by foreigners' assumptions that flamenco is Spain's national music.
Ortega said she believes many Spaniards cannot accept flamenco as a serious art form because of its gypsy roots.
"Foreigners like flamenco more because they don't have any social prejudices. Spaniards have learned that flamenco is an art of a racial minority," said Ortega, who has been dancing since she was 8.
"For Spaniards, it's a hobby but foreigners idolize it. They make flamenco their lives," she said.
2007年11月15日 星期四
Hong Kong-Gala Flamenca
GALA FLAMENCA”---这场音乐会使当今弗拉门戈舞台上最杰出的两位歌喉珠联璧合,即卡门•丽娜莱丝(Carmen Linares)和米格尔•波韦达(Miguel Poveda),并由吉他大师胡安•卡洛斯•罗梅洛(Juan Carlos Romero)激情伴奏,西班牙最火红的舞蹈明星Rocio Molina(洛西欧‧莫琳纳)激情献舞。
音乐会将汇聚许多难得一听的乐曲,包括由利玛•忆萨斯*以耶稣基督时代的语言 利亚 - 亚拉姆语演唱古老诗歌《神的母亲》;另一首拜占庭古乐《来自东方的夜莺》的手稿,则来自多个世纪前阿索斯山的修道院图书馆珍藏,价值连城。而来自土耳其及伊朗的两名敲击高手,米斯里.亚密特和斯亚.塔巴斯安同台演出,仿如两大文明在当世的对话。
2007年11月7日 星期三
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