2008年6月11日 星期三
Hong Kong - Workshop
Leonor Leal Flamenco Dance Workshop in Hong Kong
20 – 26 June 2008
Born in Jerez de la Frontera, Leonor Leal started dancing at the age of 9 and received her degree in classical ballet and Spanish dance from the Royal Academy and the Conservatory of Dance in Seville. She extended her training with flamenco maestros such as Manolo Marin, Angelita Gomez, Pepa Coral, Juan Parra, Ana Maria Lopez and La Chiqui among others.
Leonor’s professional career spans tablaos such as La Casa de la Memoria Andalusi, Corral de la Moreria, the dance companies of Anotonio El Pipa, Andres Marin and the Ballet Flamenco de Andalucia of Cristina Hoyos. She has collaborated with known artists, among others El Grilo, Javier Baron and Angeles Gabaldon. Leonor has appeared in international flamenco festivals such as those of Berlin and Mont Marsan, and has just presented her solo in the Flamenco Festival de Jerez in March. She has received invitation to perform in the Bienal de Seville in September, the two most significant flamenco festivals in Spain that showcase outstanding contemporary flamenco artists.
In addition, Leonor is well known for her meticulous style in teaching flamenco in schools such as the Fundacion Cristina Heeren, the Fundacion de Museo de Baile Flamenco de Cristina Hoyos, the Centro de Actividades Flamencas de Antonio el Pipa, the Escuela de Isabel Bayon y Angel Atienza and the Andres Marin Flamenco Abierto as well as conducting flamenco workshops worldwide such as in Germany, France and Russia.
生於西班牙南部赫雷斯的Leonor Leal, 九歲開始習舞並於塞維利亞的皇家舞蹈學院及塞維利亞舞蹈學院分別取得古典芭蕾舞及西班牙舞蹈的學士學位。 其間又跟隨多位佛蘭明高舞蹈大師如Manolo Marin, Angelita Gomez, Pepa Coral, Juan Parra, Ana Maria Lopez, La Chiqui等精研舞藝。 Leonor以佛蘭明高專業舞者的身份加入多個重要舞團, 如Anotonio El Pipa, Andres Marin及Cristina Hoyos等,又與多位舞者如El Grilo, Javier Baron 及 Angeles Gabaldon經常聯手創作演出,她也常在各海內外佛蘭明高藝術節獻藝。在今年三月的赫雷斯佛蘭明高藝術節中擔演獨舞,備受公眾及舞評界讚譽, 亦將於九月份參與塞維利亞佛蘭明高雙年節的演出。 Leonor教學經驗豐富,於塞維利亞的多所專業舞蹈學校教授佛蘭明高舞蹈課程,足跡更遍及法國、德國、俄羅斯等地。
Workshop details & enquiries: call 852-98391917 or e-mail felahmengus_adm@yahoo.com.hk
Official website of Leonor Leal: www.leonorleal.com
Organizer: www.felah-mengus.com
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